

里奥/LEO 张






Priority Maintenance for Home Buyers

There are so many home maintenance and repair items that are important; it can be confusing trying to establish which are the most critical. To simplify things, we have compiled a short list of our favorites. These are by no means all-inclusive, nor do they replace any of the information in a

home inspection report. They should, however, help you get started on the right foot. Remember, any items marked as priority or safety issues on your home inspection report need immediate attention. 房屋保养的项目很多且很难排定优先顺序,因此常常造成购房者的困扰。为了简化事项且能容易被购房者所完成,我们特列出此建议事项及顺序供您参考。但请记得,任何在验屋报告中被认定为优先维修或有安全顾虑之项目均应立即注意及完

One-Time Tasks入住马上进行的项目

1. Install smoke detectors as necessary (usually one on each level of the home, near any sleeping areas). Install carbon monoxide detectors, according to manufacturer’s

recommendations. 安装烟感(Smoke Detectors),通常每一层一个安装一氧化碳检测器(Carbon Monoxide Detectors)

2. Make any electrical improvements recommended in the home inspection report. 验屋报告中,任何有关电力系统方面需改善的建议项目

3. Remove any wood/soil contact to prevent rot and insect damage. 避免造成腐烂及虫害,任何木料与土壤有接触的地方均需避免及改善

4. Change the locks on all doors. Use a dead bolt for better security and to minimize insurance costs. 更换所有旧门锁、警报系统之密码及车库之遥控频率

5. Correct trip hazards such as broken or uneven walks and driveways, loose or torn carpet or uneven flooring. 修补任何会造成人员跌倒危险之室外不到、车道、露天平台。已松动或破损之地板或地毯亦需立即修补或换

6. Correct unsafe stairways and landings. (Railings missing, loose, too low, et cetera.) 修改不安全的楼梯台阶及平台(踏步不平整、太窄、太陡、松动、级高不一致或级高太高;平台未按标准施工,光线不足,扶手松动、扶手太低或不合法规)。

7. Have all chimneys inspected before operating any of these appliances. 检视或清除烟囱,此动作需在实用相关电器或设备前完成

8. Locate and mark the shut-offs for the heating, electrical and plumbing systems. 标示暖气系统、电力系统及供水阀等总开关之位置

9. Label the circuits in electrical panels. 标示配电盘中每一个断路器(Breaker)所对应之电器、插座、开关等正确位置

10. If there is a septic system, have the tank pumped and inspected. If the house is on a private water supply (well), set up a regular testing procedure for checking water quality. 农场区之房屋需检查化粪池,如有需要应请水肥车每年清除一次。如果私人供水系统(水井),需每年定期检验水质

Regular Maintenance Items

11. Clean the gutters in the spring and fall.秋冬清水槽

12. Check for damaged roofing and flashing materials twice a year.每年查屋顶两次

13. Cut back trees and shrubs from the house walls, roof and air conditioning system as needed.定期修剪靠近外墙,屋顶和空调的树木

14. Clean the tracks on horizontal sliding windows annually, and ensure the drain holes are clear.推拉外窗每年定期清洁排水槽

15. Test ground fault circuit interrupters, carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors using

the test button, monthly. GFCI插座,烟感和CO报警器每年测试

16. Service furnace or boiler yearly.热风炉和锅炉年度服务检查

17. Check furnace filters, humidifiers and electronic air cleaners monthly.每月检查热风炉滤网,加湿器和电子除尘器

18. Check the bathtub and shower caulking monthly and improve promptly as needed.每月检查浴缸淋浴的密封

19. If you are in a climate where freezing occurs, shut off outdoor water faucets in the fall.入冬前关闭室外水阀

20. Check reversing mechanism on garage door opener monthly.每月检查车库闸门自动反转装置

21. Check attics for evidence of leaks and condensation and make sure vents are not obstructed, at least twice a year. (Provide access into all attics and crawl spaces.)每年至少两次检查阁楼是否漏水,凝结水并保证通风畅通


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